by Beth FItzgerald | May 22, 2020 | Friday Quote, Happiness, Health, Inner Peace, Kindness, Reflection, Stress, Worry
“My scars tell a story. They are a reminder of times when life tried to break me, but failed. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded.” Steve Maraboli Do you have scars on your body? I definitely do and I can tell you the story...
by Beth FItzgerald | May 21, 2020 | Communication, Happiness, Inspirational, Perspective
I have recently discovered that, in our new normal, we have forgotten to think for ourselves. For example, let’s take the never-ending Zoom call. Have you been on any of those that got a bit awkward when there was nothing else to say? Me, too! I now have a rule...
by Beth FItzgerald | May 15, 2020 | Friday Quote, Happiness, Health, Inner Peace, Isolation, Reflection, Stress
“I know you are tired. I know you are physically and emotionally drained. But you have to keep going.” ~ Unknown. Do you know how a pandemic ends? A pandemic typically has two endings: a medical ending and a social ending. The medical ending occurs...
by Beth FItzgerald | May 14, 2020 | Fear, Happiness, Health, Stress, Worry
In the past few weeks I have been on a number of Zoom Video Communications calls with various different businesses to address stress and I have many more scheduled. I applaud these companies for seeing past “the new normal” and recognizing that...
by Beth FItzgerald | May 12, 2020 | Determination, Dreams, Goals, Happiness, Success
Some of the questions I ask my clients are, “Where do you want to be in 1 year? 3 years? 5 years?” The “opposite” of that question, which is the one I asked myself and the one that got me into coaching in the first place is, “Where were...
by Beth FItzgerald | May 7, 2020 | Happiness, Inspirational, Reflection, Success
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being the guest on a webinar for Raymond James. My friend, Karen, a wealth management advisor for RJ, invited me on to discuss pivoting after the pandemic and I enthusiastically accepted. I feel strongly that there is no better...