Through the Eyes of a Child…

On January 12, 2007, a young man entered the Washington DC metro station dressed in jeans, a gray t-shirt, and a baseball cap. He tucked a violin under his chin and proceeded to play 6 classical pieces that lasted 43 minutes. Over 1.000 commuters passed him, 7 stopped...

Jack and…Violet

I know you are busy, so am I. The holidays are in full tilt and the year is quickly coming to a close. At this time of year many people, me included, get a little nearsighted. Thank goodness for the few who have the vision to see beyond themselves. Yesterday I saw an...

Nap or Jog?

Should you take a nap or go for a light 15-minute jog? Well it all depends on whether you want to improve your mood, be sharper mentally, and boost your energy. If, in fact, all of those things sound good to you, then research shows the light jog wins according to...