The Art of Hygge

Have you ever heard of the Danish word hygge? It is a Danish word that defies literal translation but keeps popping up in my life from meditation to candles so I thought I would share. By the way, it is pronounced “hue-gah”. Hygge is more often than not...

Friday’s Quote

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.” Rumi. How would your life change if you believed this quote? What if life was completely rigged in your favor? What if you already had the winning hand? The deck was stacked in your favor and the dealer...

Running on Empty

Have you ever been driving in your car and suddenly realize you’re low on gas? The light may not have come on yet to officially warn you of the situation, but you’re nonetheless shocked. You truly thought you had a lot more gas. You may have even wondered...

Arguing With Reality

Do you know what the #1 struggle is for most people? Regardless of economic status, the #1 struggle is money, by far actually. Rich or poor, we all seem to worry about money. If you have it, you don’t want to lose it and if you don’t have it, you are...