by beth | Jan 31, 2024 | Happiness, Hard Work, Inspirational, Persistence, Self Improvement
When I used to play tennis regularly, I remember when the match was really close, I would say to my partner, “We have to play to win, not to not loose. Let’s go for our shots!” It may sound like it’s conservative versus aggressive, but...
by beth | Nov 6, 2023 | Confidence, Hard Work, Inspirational, Motivational Monday, Power of the Mind, Self-Confidence, Success
I was trying to watch the Philadelphia Eagles play the Dallas Cowboys yesterday, but it was blacked out in my area, so my only option was to watch the NFL Network’s RedZone. I’m not a huge fan of the RedZone mainly because it is like watching a 5-year-old...
by beth | Oct 5, 2023 | Determination, Goals, Hard Work, Persistence
Last night, Bryson Stott hit a grand slam for the Philadelphia Phillies in a key wildcard playoff game to help the Phillies beat the Miami Marlins and move on to ultimately play the Atlanta Braves. It was a pretty exciting night in Philadelphia (and Hoboken, for that...
by beth | Aug 15, 2023 | Choices, Determination, Goals, Happiness, Hard Work, Integrity, Listening, Patience, Self Improvement, Success
There has been a book on my desk for over a year now and I have never so much as cracked the cover, until today. It got placed on my desk during the move up to Hoboken. It must have been in our living room amongst the many books in our bookcases. It was most likely...
by beth | Aug 8, 2023 | Action Steps, Hard Work, Persistence, Self Improvement, Strategy, Success
I was reading a really great story yesterday about Sheryl Sandberg. She had given a speech to about 100 Facebook employees and a little while afterword, there was a woman who had attended the speech, who waited outside Sandberg’s office so she could chat with...
by beth | Jul 11, 2023 | Burdens, Courage, doubt, Hard Work, Obstacles
When Doug and I went out last night to walk the dogs, I noticed a homeless man on the bench near where we walk. I have seen him around town before and I took particular notice of him because he’s young. If I had to guess his age, I would speculate he was in his...