Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

“A sign of character is consistently choosing to be kinder than necessary.” ~ Adam Grant We are going to turn this quote on it’s head! I don’t believe it is as straight forward as it may seem, or it is, and we are simply going to dig...
An Angry Mob. Really?

An Angry Mob. Really?

I got scolded the other day by my dear friend, Ron. He wanted to know why I made my Motivational Monday post about a dumb garden in Hoboken when, just hours before, the Philadelphia Eagles secured a spot in the Super Bowl? OK, valid point. I deserved that...
Not Cool

Not Cool

Last night I hosted my Leadership Masterclass and we discussed Emotional Intelligence. When it comes to leadership, Emotional Intelligence is one of the top 3 things a leader should be concerned with and is one of the skills her or she should commit to...
Let’s Spread The Kindness

Let’s Spread The Kindness

I am not a big fan of watching the news. I turned the T.V. off years ago when my kids were young because it was a distraction for them during homework time and because I didn’t want them hearing what was going on in the world—they were too young to hear most of...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

I read an article about Jay Bilas the other day. If you aren’t familiar with Bilas, he is a color commentator for ESPN who played basketball and coached for Duke Men’s Basketball along with many other amazing accomplishments. The article, though, was not...