Are You Even Listening?

Are You Even Listening?

If you’re a leader, listening is one of the best skills you can have. And even if you’re not a leader, listening is one of the best skills you can have. To be able to actually hear what another person is saying makes that person feel valued, and it can...
A Little Less Love?

A Little Less Love?

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Although this is not my favorite holiday because of the commercialism that surrounds it, I do love the premise behind it—expressing love for those you care about the most. It’s the “love” holiday and we definitely...
Best Boss-Worst Boss?

Best Boss-Worst Boss?

Yesterday, I was on a call about Emotional Intelligence. The information presented was incredibly basic so I ended up dropping off, but one thing she discussed I believe is worth sharing. The presenter had us compare our best boss with our worst boss, which obviously...


Last Friday, on our way to my nephew’s wedding weekend, one of our cars wasn’t sounding so great so Doug turned around and came back to get our other car. In doing so, it really changed the timing from, “We should be arriving early,” to...