The Proliferation of Happiness

I don’t know where you are but, here in the northeast, we are getting snow—yet again. It’s another day that we are likely sequestered in the house until the roads can be travelled on safely. It may sound like I’m complaining, but I’m not. I...

Hitting The Wall

Are any of you feeling like you have hit the pandemic wall? Like, “Enough is enough already! I’m done!” Yeah, I get that. Some days are better than others, right? A year is a long time to be locked down like this, and it’s not over yet....

Peace, Humor, and Joy

If you have had a conversation recently with anyone outside your home, is it safe to assume you talked about either COVID or Washington, DC? As if our anxiety level wasn’t already at it’s peak, now it’s over the top. And as I have stated so many...