Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday!

Over the weekend, I was reading an interesting take on martyrs. This doesn’t sound very “motivational,” does it? A martyr, by definition, is someone who suffers. He’s the victim. The Sanskrit derivation means, “remember.” But...
Step On A Crack

Step On A Crack

Do you remember walking to school when you were a kid and you “weren’t allowed” to step on the cracks? My friends and I used to proclaim, “Step on the crack, breaks your momma’s back,” but the truth was, it would bring bad luck! Do...
Motivational Monday!

Motivational Monday

There’s a lot of talk yesterday and today about the NCAA Women’s National Basketball Championship Final. If you watched the game, you know it was not devoid of drama. It actually has the makings of a great joke— a coach, two players, and a referee walk...