Friday’s Quote

Friday’s Quote

“A sign of character is consistently choosing to be kinder than necessary.” ~ Adam Grant We are going to turn this quote on it’s head! I don’t believe it is as straight forward as it may seem, or it is, and we are simply going to dig...
Giddy Up!

Giddy Up!

I am currently reading The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene. It’s a very in-depth look at how we behave the way we do and why. It’s incredibly interesting and also a bit unsettling—we aren’t all that we believe we are cracked up to be!  Greene...
Motivational Monday

Motivational Monday

Happy MLK Day! I always like to honor why we have off, not just that we have off. So today we can think about Dr. Martin Luther King. It still amazes me that he was only 39-years-old when he died.  So many quotes were attributed to him; some that we can recite from...

Slay The Day!

Have you ever read The 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma? Although it’s not going to win a Pulitzer any time soon, the message is great: get up early and slay the day! I’m a huge fan of that mindset, but I had fallen off the 5 am bandwagon after my move. One of my...