by Beth FItzgerald | Dec 13, 2021 | Leadership, Motivational Monday, Success
Doug and I were in DC this weekend, with all of our children, for some holiday fun. Sunday morning we decided to get gas and add air to one of our tires, that’s being a little pesky, before we left the city. We went to a local gas station, that’s honestly...
by Beth FItzgerald | Dec 8, 2021 | Celebrate, Happiness, Hard Work, Success
The other day I was watching a football game when the tight end made an extraordinary catch before falling out of bounds. As he got up, he tossed the ball to the ref, and ran back to the huddle. I was so happy to see this! I am not a fan of all the celebrations that...
by Beth FItzgerald | Dec 7, 2021 | Kindness, Leadership, Self-Confidence, Success
I read an article the other day that told the tale of a CEO who fired 900 employees over Zoom. I couldn’t believe the callousness of his actions as I learned of how this played out. His words were straight to the point, “If you’re on this call, you...
by beth | Nov 18, 2021 | Inspirational, Strategy, Success, Uncategorized
Do you know what the power is of doing something every day? I could point to exercise as the obvious choice, but what about something more mundane, like brushing your teeth. Powerful, right? Doing something every day is not only powerful, but in some cases, it’s...
by beth | Nov 16, 2021 | Procrastination, Success
On Sunday, we were all getting ready to leave for an event. Doug was patiently waiting for me downstairs as I was finishing putting my make-up on. As I went to leave my bathroom, I felt something in my eye. Quickly, it became a problem that I could not ignore. I tried...
by beth | Nov 15, 2021 | Determination, Motivational Monday, Risk-Taking, Success
Yesterday I went to the Princeton University – Boston University girls basketball game in Princeton to watch our cousin’s daughter play. It was an exciting game to watch, although the score didn’t reflect the play. Princeton is quite good, but there...