Becoming Me

I don’t remember where I saw these two words over the weekend, but they definitely grabbed my attention. At first glance, I thought, ‘That’s cute,’ but then these two words really got me thinking. The words were, “Becoming me.” Have...

Motivational Monday!

I was driving around this weekend and I marveled at the art of driving. Have you ever thought about it? It’s kind of crazy. We know the rules and there are things like stop lights and stop signs that try to eliminate the ensuance of complete and utter chaos. Can...

Friday’s Quote

“A spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of vinegar.” Benjamin Franklin The truth is, we all know this. We we’ve heard it a million times. Yet, we still lose our way sometimes. We lose our way because our emotions get the best of us....

Love Thy Neighbor…

Everyone wants to be loved, liked, celebrated, and appreciated. We all want and need to have someone who accepts us, no matter what. We all know this, right? I believe all world religions teach, “love your neighbor as yourself,” so why do we have such a...