by Beth FItzgerald | Jan 25, 2021 | Fear, Inspirational, Motivational Monday, Success
Yesterday, I was watching the Tampa Bay Buccaneers versus the Green Bay Packers. It was the battle of Tom Brady vs Aaron Rodgers so the passing game was a big deal. As I watched some of the passes, I marveled at what quarterbacks are capable of doing—it’s really...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jan 22, 2021 | Determination, Friday Quote, Goals, Hard Work, Risk-Taking, Success, Uncategorized
“By reaching for what appears to be impossible, we often actually do the impossible.” Jack Welch This has happened to all of us, right? You’re forced, in some way, to do something you’ve never done before. Maybe it’s a boss who gives you...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jan 20, 2021 | Leadership, Power, Relationships, Success
Today is January 20th, 2021. And in addition to being my sister Diane’s birthday and my sister-in-law Carole’s birthday—it’s Inauguration Day. This has been the day the United States swears in the new President since 1937, which is when the country...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jan 19, 2021 | Hard Work, Inspirational, Success
As some of you know, we have had a few cases of COVID here at the Fitzgerald household—4 (of 6) to be exact. Two of which were my son and daughter who are college athletes at their respective colleges. They both had very comprehensive “return to play”...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jan 11, 2021 | Celebrate, Motivational Monday, Success, Uncategorized
Do you remember being in the car with your family and saying to your parents, “Are we there yet?” I believe it is a statement that is guaranteed to come out of some child’s mouth if and when a car ride exceeds 20 minutes. Now that you’re older,...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jan 7, 2021 | Planning, Stress, Success, Systems
As we enter 2021, and we are just 7 days in, I’m wondering how overwhelmed you are? Do you have a million thoughts and ideas running through your head of what you want the new year to look like and what you want to accomplish? Me, too! So much so that I woke up...