by Beth FItzgerald | Jun 16, 2020 | Determination, Persistence, Success
I went to the track yesterday to run with my daughter. When we arrived, there was a man there with three of his children. The two older boys were running sprints while the father chatted with his daughter, who was about 7-years-old. While Clare and I circled the...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jun 15, 2020 | Bravery, Motivational Monday, Risk-Taking, Success
On Saturday, Doug and I went out for a bike ride to get some fresh air and exercise. While we were out, we passed the sweetest little girl proudly riding her pink Disney princess bike, adorned with stickers, streamers, and, not surprising, training wheels....
by Beth FItzgerald | Jun 12, 2020 | Bravery, Risk-Taking, Success
“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest growth opportunity.” ~ Bryant McGill The reason this quote presents such a big conundrum is because the truth that occupies the space around feeling uncomfortable is the exact space where we have the choice...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jun 11, 2020 | Dreams, Inspirational, Persistence, Success
What does a ratty 37-year-old Rutgers University Champion sweatshirt have to teach anyone? For me, a lot. Shortly before I headed off to college, my dad explained that I would have to completely fund my own education. I don’t believe I...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jun 8, 2020 | Goals, Motivational Monday, Planning, Success
Yesterday, I played tennis with my husband, Doug, and my son, Liam. When we first started, both of them were hitting the ball as hard as they possibly could, but not necessarily keeping the ball on the court. After one particularly huge swing, which resulted in the...
by Beth FItzgerald | Jun 2, 2020 | Dreams, Goals, Inspirational, Success
Have you ever thought about truck drivers, especially now during the pandemic when their work is so critically important to the transportation of our food supply? Not only have they been aptly dubbed our frontline heroes, but they also hold a really important...