Friday’s Quote

“Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest growth opportunity.” ~ Bryant McGill The reason this quote presents such a big conundrum is because the truth that occupies the space around feeling uncomfortable is the exact space where we have the choice...

Motivational Monday!

Yesterday, I played tennis with my husband, Doug, and my son, Liam. When we first started, both of them were hitting the ball as hard as they possibly could, but not necessarily keeping the ball on the court. After one particularly huge swing, which resulted in the...

Keep On Truckin’

Have you ever thought about truck drivers, especially now during the pandemic when their work is so critically important to the transportation of our food supply? Not only have they been aptly dubbed our frontline heroes, but they also hold a really important...

Motivational Monday!

Good morning! Today, I am going to share some really practical advice for this time in lock-down because a lot of what we are currently doing is going to continue even after the restrictions are lifted—like Zoom Video Communications. It’s actually making me...