by Beth FItzgerald | Apr 20, 2020 | Motivational Monday, Success
I was listening to the remarkable Jack Canfield the other day on the Rise Up Challenge hosted by Pete Vargas and he said something so simple yet so powerful about his marriage. Before I tell you what he said, I want to make sure you don’t...
by Beth FItzgerald | Apr 2, 2020 | Inspirational, Productivity, Success
If you have college-age children, you are hearing a lot about pass/fail. Many colleges are allowing this spring term to be graded as pass/fail instead of the students actually earning a number or letter grade. I’m not a fan of the concept pass/fail because...
by Beth FItzgerald | Mar 31, 2020 | Power of the Mind, Stress, Success
What I am worried about during this mandatory social isolation might not be what you’re worried about. Catching COVID-19 is not a big fear for me. My neurosis is more focused on what this isolation is doing to my brain. As I have said before, Isolation has many...
by Beth FItzgerald | Mar 9, 2020 | Happiness, Motivational Monday, Self-worth, Success
I met with a young client last week who had recently been on a tough interview. During the meeting, the interviewer directed his attention to this young man’s GPA and admonished, “You really need to work at bringing up that GPA.” Unbeknownst to the...
by Beth FItzgerald | Mar 3, 2020 | Inspirational, Persistence, Success
When I was in training last week with the Schranner Negotiation Institute, the instructor shared a mantra she used her whole professional career that I found not only inspirational but absolutely worth remembering and repeating which is: “Be so good they...
by Beth FItzgerald | Feb 24, 2020 | Inspirational, Motivational Monday, Success
Yesterday, Clare and I went into NYC to see Moulin Rouge The Musical with her Girl Scouts Troop—which was fantastic BTW. The Al Hirschfeld Theater is beautiful but rather small and there was a “pre-show” happening when we...