Motivational Monday!

The word “curious” came up over the weekend. Would you describe yourself as curious? I bet you would say yes, but I challenge you to revisit your answer. As children we are naturally curious, but by the time we start school, it begins to get trained out of...

The Map

If you wanted to go somewhere that you have never been before, how would you go about getting there? Would you Google it on a map or would you immediately put the destination in your GPS and start driving? If you chose the GPS, you would need to have the exact address...

My Enemy

What if having an enemy was a good thing? It can’t be more than one though. Having just one good enemy that we truly loath might be the solution to our success. Success in almost anything, from weight loss to career goals.  Simon Sinek talks about...

Productivity Hack

Have you ever written a to-do list and then proceeded to not do any of it? Right, me too! Yesterday I had a list of 10 simple items and I check off just one of those items by days end. I’m a huge fan of to-do lists but I know better than to write a list like I...

The Super Bowl and YOU!

What do the Washington Redskins, Carolina Panthers, Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants, Cleveland Browns, Minnesota Vikings, Jacksonville Jaguars, New York Jets, Detroit Lions and Atlanta Falcons all have in...

The Corporate Ladder

Highly successful people make different choices then the average person. One of the choices they make is they take risks. Just the mention of the word “risk” causes many people to recoil and begin rattling off excuses to explain why they can’t be a...