Motivational Monday!

A few weeks ago my son was in Munich, Germany at Oktoberfest with a few college friends. At some point during the festivities, he got separated from his friends and ended up crashing at some female friends hostel and sleeping in the tub. Probably not his best...

Newton’s Law and You

Do you remember Newton’s Cradle? This popular toy landed on the desks of many executives back in the 80’s. It models Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion which is, ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ If this toy was in front of you...

Authentically You

I was in New York City twice last week for work. What an amazing city! In my 30 minute walk to my destination I feel like I saw just about everything. Nothing is off limits or too outrageous in NYC. Being in the city reminds me that the tiny little microcosm I live in...

What Do You Want?

What do you want? Actually, those 4 words could be my complete post today if I believed in our ability to actually answer this question truthfully. We absolutely believe we know that answer until someone like me says, “Great. Write it down.” Your homework...