Motivational Monday!

Have you ever experienced a problem at work or with family or friends? And have you ever experienced that same problem more than once – so much so that you hear yourself say with complete exasperation “Here we go again?” Yup, me too. If we are...

Who Are You?

Who are you? Have you ever thought about that question? There are two answers. First, there is who you believe you are and then there is who everyone else thinks you are. One would think you would essentially be the same but unfortunately, that is not the case. The...

The Domino Effect

Almost without fail, when I meet a new client who is looking for a change, the first thing they do is essentially oppose the change. Ironic, right? People hate change. I believe what they want is some additional piece of information that they can apply without having...

Friday Quote

“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” John Dewey Yesterday I had scheduled a date with myself to plan out my 2019 goals. Part one of my goal-setting process is to go back and reflect on 2018. I have about 15 questions I...