by Beth FItzgerald | Dec 7, 2018 | Inspirational, Success
‘Those who travel the high road of humility in Washington, D.C. are not bothered by heavy traffic.’ Former Sen. Alan Simpson about the late George H. W. Bush. Our 41st President was laid to rest yesterday beside his beloved wife of 73 years and his daughter, Robin. I...
by Beth FItzgerald | Dec 5, 2018 | Goals, Happiness, Persistence, Success, Uncategorized
As we head into year-end, we will soon be bombarded with the talk of resolutions and goal-setting so we start the year off “right”! Very few people set goals and even fewer actually write them down (3%), but it’s really unfortunate and here’s...
by Beth FItzgerald | Dec 4, 2018 | Goals, Success, Systems
Tomorrow I am presenting to Big Brothers Big Sister and their Princeton University mentors on goal setting. I absolutely love goal setting although I am amazed at how few people actually do it. Goal setting is, of course, forward-looking but I always ask people to...
by Beth FItzgerald | Nov 6, 2018 | Happiness, Inner Peace, Success
The Universe Knows Better I have mentioned it before but it bears repeating: Your cup runneth over and this time it isn’t necessarily a good thing. If you are like me, you want more. We want more money, more success, more vacations, more shoes, more promotions,...
by Beth FItzgerald | Oct 19, 2018 | Beliefs, Friday Quote, Inspirational, Success, Uncategorized
“The sky has never been the limit. We are our own limits. It’s then about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best life.” Unknown I spoke at Princeton University on Wednesday and I shared the fleas in the jar experiment;...
by Beth FItzgerald | Oct 18, 2018 | Goals, Inner Peace, Success, Systems, Time Management
This week in my 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth class we discussed leveraging systems. A system is a process for predictably achieving a goal based on orderly, repeatable principles. Systems are deliberate and intentional and they are incredibly effective. This post I...