Be Nice!

When Doug and I were in Napa Valley a few weeks ago experiencing some wineries and their wine tastings, I noticed something interesting. Everywhere we went, somehow we got more than we asked for. Every winery offered us something that was not suposed to be in our...

Friday’s Quote

“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” ~Booker T. Washington What a week this has been! Holy moly! I was in California this week—finally presenting live again. This was my first live presentation since January of 2020. After my...

Motivational Monday!

On Friday morning, Doug and I travelled to Delaware County, Pennsylvania, to attend my Aunt Joan’s funeral. She passed away just shy of her 90th birthday. She was incredibly healthy until a few months ago. She is survived by her amazing husband, to whom she was...

Ikea and Me

Values drive behavior and they also drive decisions, but what if you don’t know what your values are? What then? You may be thinking like I was, ‘I know my values,’ but the follow up question is, “Ok, what are they?” Not really knowing...

A Clockwork Orange

Last night I hosted my annual Virtual Goal Setting Class. I love goal setting! We discussed Anthony Burgess, the author of A Clockwork Orange. He wrote the aforementioned book (and several others) when he was diagnosed with what was thought to be a terminal illness...

Motivational Monday

Where do you see yourself on 12/31/22? I don’t necessarily mean physically, but maybe that’s part of it. If you set your goals for 2022 and you’re actively working toward them, then what will have changed by 12/31/22? And if you haven’t set...