Narrow And Deep

A few weeks ago I was having a chat with my daughter. She, like many of us, had been spreading herself too thin. She said, “Yes,” to everyone and everything. I suggested she make a conscious effort to slow down, as I had to do the same thing not too long...

Motivational Monday!

My motivational words of wisdom this week are, “Cut the crap!” They happen to be three words I say a fair amount—and this week, I am standing behind them. Let me explain what led to this very “warm and fuzzy” motivational Monday. Last Thursday...

A Warm Hug

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of a friend. As I was getting ready at home, I realized it was December 15th—the day my mother passed away in 2008. I was already incredibly sad for my friend and his family, but this memory brought me to an old and familiar place of...

Grab The Reins

Sometimes we get caught in the moment, and by “the moment,” right now I mean the whole holiday season. There are only 12 days until Christmas and perhaps there is still a lot you need to get done at home and at work. It sometimes feels a little bit like...

Friday’s Quote

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’.” Erma Bombeck Last night, Doug and I were inspired as we watched a virtual event for...